Category: Art (page 3 of 5)

Santa Clara Wedding Vase Gift

This work, created by sculptor Doug Hyde, is titled Santa Clara Wedding Vase Gift.  It was donated in 2007 by Jean and Rolland Lorenz to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.


More Than Words

More Than Words was created by sculptor Greg Todd.  It was donated in 2013 by Neil E. (Tony) Atchinson and Sally Ballee’ Atchinson.


Where Have All the Mammoths Gone?

This sculpture titled, Where Have All the Mammoths Gone?, was created by Martha Pettigrew.  It was donated in 2008 by Jackie & Jerry Miles and the Fountain Hills Cultural & Civic Association.

2013-09-22-DSC09393-mediumI had considered cloning the flags away, but Marie told me the sculpture has more impact, especially considering its title, with flags and other evidence of modern civilization in the photo.


Waves & Windows

This sculpture, by Brian Schader, is called Waves & Windows.  It was donated by Tom and Tina Duffy.  (See photo below of entire plaque.)


A close-up, looking through a part of one of the windows.  This photo was taken a few minutes after the first photo.  The sky had turned a nice rosy pink.

2013-09-22-DSC09435-medium The plaque:


The Corn Dancer

This sculpture, by Doug Hyde, is called The Corn Dancer.  It was donated in 2011 by Jean and Rolland Lorenz in memory of their son David.


The Great Arrow (from another angle)

Another shot of The Great Arrow by sculptor Michael Jones.  I posted another photo of this work using a wide angle lens.  In that photo, I was just outside the door of the Community Center.  In this one, I’ve over by the library, looking back among and between the lights.


Chauncey the Rabbit

This sculpture is Chauncey the Rabbit, by Jim Budish.  It was donated in 2004 by Jackie and Jerry Miles.  Chauncey resides in front of the Fountain Hills Library.


The photo, below, was my original edit.  I showed it to Linda – she thought that the background distracted from the subject of the photo, which is supposed to be the sculpture of the rabbit.  So I created a new version, above, which uses an out-of-focus background in addition to making the background a lot darker, which helps to emphasize the subject.

I still like the photo below.  In the full size version, it’s possible to zoom in and read titles of the books in the library.  It’s also closer to how the scene looked when I shot it.


Circle of Peace

Circle of Peace was created by sculptor Gary Price. According to the page for this work at the Fountain Hills Public Art site, it was donated in 2007 by the Fountain Hills Realtors and Friends.


Marilyn helped me with this photo.  It was composed from eighteen different exposures.  I took five or six shots without flash to get the fountain and background at a number of different exposure levels, but only used one of them for the result above.  We took twenty shots of the sculpture, but I only ended up using seventeen of them.  I carried the flash stand around the artwork to illuminate it from different angles while Marilyn triggered the shutter with the remote.  (It’s best not to touch the camera in between exposures.)  I used the “Lighten Only” layer mode to combine all of the flash-lit exposures and then used the usual blending techniques to combine those with the background.

A Letter from Grandma

The work, titled A Letter from Grandma, was created by sculptor Marianne Caroselli. According to the Fountain Hills Public Art page for this sculpture, it was “donated to the Town of Fountain Hills by a number of doting grandparents” in 2008.


Potato Man

Potato Man was sculpted by Susan Geissler.  It was donated in 2008 by Tom and Tina Duffy in loving memory of Martin and Virginia Duffy.
