Anna, Pat, Greg, and Marie sit on a rock at the Piers Gorge trailhead.
Turbulent waters of the Menominee River:
Rafters going through the rapids:
We saw this toad on the way back.
Marie, entering the gymnasium, on her way to taking her seat.
Marie received an award for having a 4.0 average this year. She is receiving the award from Principal Anita Gomez. Marie’s art teacher, Tracy Perry, is at the far right in this photo. Marie also received an award for her excellence in art.
Marie, in the courtyard, after the graduation ceremony was over:
Marie performed with the 8th grade band at the Arts in the Courtyard event at the Fountain Hills Middle School. There were also exhibits showing some of her artwork and that of your classmates as well.
Marie studies some work done by one of her classmates.
This is Marie’s perspective drawing from that area:
A cropped version showing just the drawing:
Marilyn and Marie together:
This cartoon tells the story of how we came to have cats:
Marie also took a 3D art course. Here are four of her projects:
The eighth grade band played at the end of the evening. Below are two photos of Marie playing clarinet.
This is Marie writing…
I heard that Grandma wanted to hear about the art award I won.
My art teacher emailed me a short list of art contests around the beginning of the school year. I think I was too late to start the other contests she suggested, so the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards ( ) was the only contest that was actually available. I was busy with other things during school and had no clue what to enter in the contest, so I didn’t dwell on it until my winter break. Even then, I only worked on my entry for about 3 days before it was due. I was still undecided as to what I would submit as my entry, so part of that time was just playing around with ideas.
Finally, I decide to sift through my old artwork and see if there was anything I could redo (my older work, as it was, was not an accurate representation of my ability and certainly not contest-worthy). I found this:
This drawing (September 2010) was drawn on lined paper, then edited on GIMP. It is of a still from a video trailer for the video game Halo: Reach, “Deliver Hope”. I really liked that video and the whole story surrounding the game, although the video only makes sense if you know the story. Concerning my picture, the significant part of the video was when a soldier is injured by a grenade explosion. The soldier falls to the ground, and the camera shows her eyes mirrored in her cracked visor. ( )
This drawing, I decided, had potential in the contest if I did an adequate job updating it. I started from scratch and redrew the basic picture before I began adding color. I was frantic to meet the deadline, so I worked after breakfast into the night on the day before it was due. The day it was due I finished it up. This was the first Friday of 2013.
I finished submitting and uploading my entry on the contest website. All that was left was the release form. I signed it, and my mother and teacher’s signature were needed on it. This form had to be mailed to them in a few hours, and getting my teacher to sign this was out of the question. I assumed that my submission was invalid, because the release form was a necessary step in entering the contest.
I forgot about the contest after a while, but in late February I received an email notification that I won an award for the contest. I was confused and busy, so I ignored this. Then, my mother got an email, too. I was still a little confused, because that release form should’ve prevented me from getting in.
Winners of the contest are required to send in a photo, and a separate audio and video greeting. I recently uploaded those. An awards ceremony is being held at the end of May in Carnegie Hall. I’ve decided against going, but I’ll watch the webcast.
It turned out that I and my family hiked part of the Bear Flat Trail back in late March of 2002. We made the same mistake then as we did on our more recent hike to the area; we hiked up the steep narrow path leading to the main part of the Bear Flat Trail. Anyway, here’s what it (and we) looked like back then. It doesn’t look that much different. The kids, however, have changed a lot…