Category: Cats (page 8 of 8)

Tiger and McGonagall

Below are a few photos of Tiger.  There’s even one where he’s with his mom, McGonagall.  When Tiger was younger and smaller, they looked even more alike.  But now he’s huge and his mom is quite small.

McGonagall was the first cat we brought in from outside.  We were worried that we were feeding her too much because she started getting really fat.  It took us a few days to realize that she wasn’t getting fat, but that she was actually pregnant.  She gave birth to Tiger, Freckles, and three other siblings.  (We found homes for the other three; they were named Aggie, Clementine, and Kalamazoo.  We still see Aggie from time to time, though she’s since been renamed.)

McGonagall is very reclusive.  It is hard for a visitor to the house to catch a glimpse of her. In fact, there are a lot of days that go by when I don’t see much of her either.  But on this particular day, she was curious about me crawling on the floor with my camera.

Marie took this photo of Tiger while setting up her new room:

I got this photo of him sniffing at the camera:

Tiger, on the Prowl…

Tiger wanted to visit the balcony too, so I let him join Marilyn and Marie who were there reading.  He eventually made his onto the roof, and began his prowl.

But the roof wasn’t interesting enough for Tiger.  He wanted to get down to explore the yard too.  He found a beam onto which he could jump.  He pondered his next move:

His next move was to see if he could squeeze into a tight space…

…so that he could crawl along another beam:

Of course, it’s natural to want to rest for a while after crawling on your belly.

But it only required a short hop to the tarp-wrapped, folded-up ping pong table to get down.

Once he jumped down, I scooped him up and brought him inside.  He’ll have to wait for another day to prowl the yard.

Freckles’ Adventure

Now that the kittens are gone, we’ve been letting our cats out onto the balcony.  They enjoy sitting on the cat gym that we built for the kittens.  Sometimes, they watch birds as Callisto is doing here:

Earlier today, I let Freckles out on the balcony, where she too watched birds for a while:

But, then she got bored, and started to explore…

..venturing to the top of the roof:

Marie became worried about Freckles so she, too, ventured out onto the roof.  She caught Freckles…

…and returned her…

…safely to the balcony.

Colette has a new home!

(And it’s not with us!)

Below is a photo of Colette, the last of the four kittens we were taking care of.  Colette’s siblings had been found homes about a week ago.  Yesterday, a nice lady with two young daughters came to look at Colette.  Colette was very playful, batting at the nose of one of the girls without using her claws.  They were delighted with Colette and took her home a short while later.

Below is a photo from about a week earlier, showing Colette with her siblings.  Colette is at the upper right in this photo.

Colette and the rest of the litter came to us from our neighbor’s garage.  Their mom, Ginger, had disappeared after moving her litter to the garage.  The kittens had gotten very hungry and started mewing.  The neighbor’s dogs became alarmed and started barking.  Our neighbor knew of our fondness for cats and brought them to us.  We took care of them for several weeks, but eventually found them homes via ads in Craigslist and the local newspaper.

We were becoming fond of Colette and were kind of sad to see her go, but our other cats are much happier without her around.


Tiger and Freckles


Some call her “squirrel kitten”, but I like Molly better.


Callisto, relaxing: