I went out to the top of the Hilltop Trail at McDowell Mountain Park last night to observe the Perseids meteor shower. I set up two cameras using a 30 second exposure on each one. The cameras were set to do noise reduction (dark frame subtraction) which requires an additional thirty seconds of processing time. Thus, I was taking roughly one photo per minute with each camera. The actual rate was slightly slower than this due to occasionally moving a camera, changing a battery, or checking on exposure, etc.
I stayed out for roughly four hours and saw several spectacular meteors, one which arced across half the sky overhead. Unfortunately, for most of the really good ones, I either had the camera pointed at the wrong place, or the shutter was closed at the time the meteor fell. I have a number of shots which show meteors, but only one decent one. This meteor is good, but it not as impressive as some of the others I saw last night.
For this photo, I used a 24mm Zeiss lens (A-mount) on my NEX-7 set at f/2.0, 30 sec, ISO 200.
Susan says:
August 17, 2013 — 5:04 pm
mary peters says:
wow. just wow!
August 18, 2013 — 8:46 pm