Ben, Marilyn, Mike, Bob, and Cathy joined me for a twelve and a half mile hike that took us all the way out to Marcus Landslide (starting from the Trailhead Staging Area).
Some of us saw javelina (and ravens) on our drive into the park. Later, during the hike, we saw jackrabbits, coyotes, deer, and more ravens.
Ravens at the trailhead:
Passing through Stoneman Wash…
The pond is looking both cleaner and fuller than normal!
Marilyn, Cathy, Ben, Mike, and Bob:
One of many rabbits that we saw…
Look for the coyote in the lower left portion of this photo…
Owl clover:
We saw some poppies in the park, but we saw more and more as we neared the Marcus Landslide Trail. This bunch of poppies was just off the Marcus Landslide Trail near it’s interesection with the Boulder Trail.
A view from the Marcus Landslide Trail:
This bunch of poppies was just off the Rock Knob Trail in the Preserve.