Mike, Bob, Linda, Sara, Dorinda, and I hiked 10.6 miles on the Dixie Mine, Prospector, Bell Pass, Windmill, Coachwhip, and Dixie Mine (again, for the return) trails. Our total ascent on this hike was a bit over 1500 feet.
A view of the McDowells from the Dixie Mine Trail:
This is the adit (horizontal entrance) for the Dixie Mine.
Sara, Dorinda, Linda, Mike, and Bob hiking up the Prospector Trail.
Looking up from the Prospector Trail:
Kevin, Dorinda, Bob, Mike, Sara, and Linda.
A view from the Bell Pass Trail:
Views of Weaver’s Needle and the Flatiron from the Coachwhip Trail:
Susan Davis says:
Smiles all around, so it must have been fun! Love all the pics, too!
May 28, 2017 — 1:28 pm
Dick says:
Looks like a great hike. Pics are beautiful
May 28, 2017 — 4:14 pm
Andrea says:
Looks like a great hike.
May 29, 2017 — 9:59 am
Jackie Machado says:
Beautiful pictures. Everyone looks happy. Big smiles. I would be scared and crying. I’m very proud of everyone to have the courage and dedication to go hiking like they do. Be careful and be safe. Thank you.
June 7, 2017 — 11:38 am