Friday’s hike started from the Horse Staging Area. We made a loop utilizing a service road, Stoneman Wash, and the Pemberton, Scenic, Cinch, and Escondido trails. We hiked nearly nine miles with minimal elevation gain.
Marilyn and I arrived at the trailhead just in time to see the sunrise:
A view from the service road going through the competitive track area:
Views from Stoneman Wash:
Midway through our trek up Stoneman Wash, we hiked a short ways up to another service road which overlooks the wash. This provided us with a good view of the wash in the foreground and the McDowells in the background.
Bill, Gary, Eva, Mike, Patty, Marilyn, and Linda:
California Buckwheat:
Cholla blossom:
A view from the Scenic Trail:
A double saguaro on the Cinch Trail:
Sue says:
Nice hike! And, some lovely shots! I took several pics of the “Blood Moon”–Nikon 42zoom and 16.5mp. I was glad in a funny way, your’s was as blurry as mine. Don’t understand it–I’ve taken many shots of the moon like your first and they were all clear. Maybe, it was not meant to be./Users/susandavis/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Previews/2015/04/04/20150404-052637/L9a0T67PQ7y7ONpZTU6IcQ/DSCN8551.JPG
April 5, 2015 — 6:58 pm