Today’s hike took us half way around the North Trail to the Chuparosa. At that point, Ranger Amy headed back so that she could open up the Visitor’s Center on time. Bob, Janet, Nancy, and I continued on the Chuparosa to the Pemberton. From there we made our way over to Lousley Hill and hiked to the top. We then found our way over to the Verde Trail and then back to the North Trail and our vehicles. Total distance today was 7.1 miles.
Sunrise at the North Trailhead:
I think this is just one saguaro, below. It’s kind of weird how it grew up a very short ways and immediately branched off with some very sizable arms.
Bob, Janet, and Nancy:
Kevin, Janet, and Nancy:
A view of Four Peaks from the top of Lousley Hill:
Resting at the top of Lousley Hill:
Lousley Wash:
Three Saguaros that we came upon shortly after leaving Lousley Wash:
Buckhorn cholla with saguaros in the distance:
A hummingbird. Unfortunately, the camera that I used today couldn’t zoom in very closely on it. These shots were taken less than half a second apart.
Recent rain has brought some of the flowers out again. This one is on a creosote bush. (Thanks to Ranger Amy for the identification.) The Sony RX100‘s aperture was set to f/1.8 for this shot. Note that it does a pretty good job of providing a short depth of field.