Cooler weather is bringing out more people. On Friday, we had a total of nine on our hike, Dennis, Sharon, Sue, Janet, Amy, Bob, Nancy, Nick, and me. This is also the order of the people in the photo below – except for me, I took the photo.
We hiked out Pemberton and explored a wash near the homestead of the old ranch. It’s a deep wash with high vertical banks in many places. Here, part of the group crouches in a small hollowed out space at the side of the wash.
The wash is fairly wide, though you do have to squeeze past vegetation from time to time.
As noted earlier, there are several areas where erosion has created high vertical banks.
One of our group found an antler, likely left by a mule deer.
Amy sent me this photo of holes in the ground. Dennis and Sharon said that they were made by antlions.
Another section of the wash with particularly high banks. It’s almost a canyon.
Below is another photo from Amy. We encountered a section of wash where we needed to do bit of scrambling to proceed further.
Another couple of views of the wash:
After our wash exploration, Nick, Janet, Bob, and I hiked a loop consisting of Tonto Tank, Pemberton, the Bluff Trail Wash, Granite, Wagner, and the Tortoise Trail. Our total distance for the day was 10.5 miles.