Bob, Mike, Linda, Sara, and I hiked a 8.25 mile loop starting from the Horse Staging Area. The morning was surprisingly cool for mid to late May. I was cold when we started and added a layer that I wore throughout the entire hike.
This is a look at one of the vertical banks in Stoneman/Pemberton Wash.
A dead tree in Stoneman Wash:
This textured region of desert is just south of the service road that connects the Long Loop to the Pemberton.
Bob, Mike, Linda, and Sara. This was a tricky shot to post-process due to shooting into the sun.
Another view from the service road…
A view of Four Peaks from the Pemberton Trail:
A view from the Cinch Trail. Weaver’s Needle and the Flatiron can both be seen in the distance.
Gary Wietgrefe says:
Amsterdam and McDowell Park. What a cultural contrast. Thanks for sharing.
May 20, 2017 — 9:54 am
Susan Davis says:
Very nice–and, as usual, everyone has a big smile:)
May 20, 2017 — 10:18 am
Anonymous says:
Love the desert, beautiful pictures…miss you guys.
Love your pictures of Amsterdam as well Kevin, hope you and Marilyn had
a wonderful time.
Marilyn and Ben
May 20, 2017 — 3:27 pm
jon leverenz says:
Great. Cold here, too. Jon L.
May 23, 2017 — 1:30 pm