Tag: McDowell Mountain Park (page 17 of 46)

Friday Fitness Hike

Bob, Mike, Linda, Sara, and I hiked a 8.25 mile loop starting from the Horse Staging Area. The morning was surprisingly cool for mid to late May. I was cold when we started and added a layer that I wore throughout the entire hike.

This is a look at one of the vertical banks in Stoneman/Pemberton Wash.

A dead tree in Stoneman Wash:

This textured region of desert is just south of the service road that connects the Long Loop to the Pemberton.

Bob, Mike, Linda, and Sara. This was a tricky shot to post-process due to shooting into the sun.

Another view from the service road…


A view of Four Peaks from the Pemberton Trail:

A view from the Cinch Trail.  Weaver’s Needle and the Flatiron can both be seen in the distance.

Wednesday Night on the Shallmo Wash Trail

Two shots from my Wednesday evening hike on Shallmo Wash, Pemberton, Scenic, Cinch, and Escondido.  These photos were taken from the Shallmo Wash Trail.

Friday Fitness Hike

Bob, Mike, and I hiked a 9.1 mile loop: Pemberton, Lariat, Granite, Stoneman Wash, and back on Pemberton.

Prior to the hike, I noticed this Wolfberry bush. The berries are starting to dry out.

Look for the hare/jackrabbit at the bottom right…

A raven:

Look for the raven nest and raven’s head in the near saguaro:

A view from Stoneman Wash:

The car in Stoneman Wash:

Wednesday Hike – Shallmo/Pemberton/Scenic/Cinch/Escondido

These are from a quick six mile loop that I did on Wednesday evening…

Friday Fitness Hike

Joe, Bob, Mike, and I hiked a portion of the Dixie Mine Trail on Friday.


Friday Fitness Hike

Nora, Mike, and I hiked 8.3 miles starting from the Horse Staging Area.

Sunrise at the Horse Staging Area:


Buckwheat in front of buckhorn cholla:


San Filipe Dogweed:

Buckhorn cholla:

A view from the Pemberton Trail:

Arizona Blister Beetle:

Mike and Nora:

A view of Four Peaks from the Tonto Tank Trail:

A view of Red Mountain from the Shallmo Wash Trail:

Friday Fitness Hike

Mike and I hiked 8.5 miles starting from the Wagner Trailhead. The desert is drying out, but there is still an abundance of flowers.

We started early – just before sunrise. I got this shot from the Wagner Trail prior to the start of the hike.



Sunrise on the Tortoise Trail:

I think this is Goldeneye:

At around the time that I photographed this bunny, I learned that the soles of my new shoes (Xero Prio) were not impervious to thorns.

This might be Sweetbush:

Saguaros in Stoneman Wash:


Palo Verde:

We saw this very green plant in Stoneman Wash – Mike told me what he thought it was, but I’ve now forgotten:

Wolfberry (or maybe Hackberry) mixed in with some other plants:


Lupine and Poppies:

We saw this plant on the Granite Trail, right next to the lupine and poppies. We didn’t know what it was at the time, but Mike has since identified it as a Fiddleneck.

Desert Pincushion:

This is the wash below the Bluff Trail:


Miniature Woollystar:

Hedgehog cactus:

Hedgehog blossom surrounded by other plants:

Banana Yucca:

Tuesday Night Sunset

Wednesday Night Sunset

Friday Fitness Hike

Linda, Bill, Mike, Bob, and I hiked a little over seven miles starting from the Horse Staging Area. It was a cool morning, but winter rain has brought us some early flowers!

A view from the parking lot (Horse Staging Area):


A view from the Technical Loop:

Mexican Poppy:

Thompson Peak and the McDowells:

A view of Four Peaks:

A young saguaro with its nurse plant:

Weaver’s Needle and the Flatiron can be seen in the distance:

A view from the service road connecting the Long Loop (which is one of the competitive tracks) with the Pemberton.


A view from the Pemberton Trail:

