Category: Animals (page 1 of 13)


Marie and I saw this Western Diamondback rattlesnake while hiking on Saturday…

Sunday Night Snakes!

Yep, three of them.  I think that they’re all Western Diamondback rattlesnakes.  I saw the first one at dusk and the next two when it was dark.  I used both my headlamp and flashlight to look for them as I made my way back – much more slowly than normal. I was on a grassy jeep road, but none of them were in the grass.  I think they chose relatively open spots to stay warm as the sun set.

Friday Fitness Hike

On Friday, August 2, I hiked 9.5 miles starting (and ending) at the Four Peaks Trailhead in McDowell Mountain Regional Park.

A view from the Long Loop (in the competitive track area):

I got photos of a flying owl in Stoneman Wash:

The competitive track area has some interesting terrain…

This is part of the clay mine test site along the Pemberton Trail.

Quail, running away from me on the Pemberton Trail.

Saguaro ribs:



Wednesday Night Hike

Bob and I hiked 6.4 miles together on Wednesday Night. We saw two pack rats, a Western Diamondback Rattlesnake and a small Coral Snake.

Wednesday Night Hike

For Wednesday night’s hike, I did a 7.75 mile loop in MMRP.

I saw more critters than normal on Wednesday. I saw a tortoise, a white sphinx moth caterpillar, lots and lots of moths, some of which might have been of the white sphinx variety, two packrats, two rattlesnakes, a scorpion, and a corral snake.

Wednesday Night Hike

9 miles on Wednesday Night. I was testing a new headlamp which allowed me to see a number of night-time critters. I saw a tarantula, three scorpions, several packrats, a couple of bunnies, and an owl!


Joe got this photo of a toad outside our front door.

Friday Fitness Hike

Heather, Mike, Bob, and I hiked a 10.3 mile loop featuring the South Wash. We saw a barn owl in the wash!