Marilyn and I hiked near Flagstaff on Sunday.

The Sandy Canyon Trailhead is near Flagstaff off of Lake Mary Rd. I had been to this area many years ago when I climbed at The Pit.

We hiked Sandy’s Canyon Trail which descends to Walnut Creek. We then continued up Walnut Canyon until the way started to become slightly overgrown. I think we could have continued on for a good while, but we had time constraints, so I opted instead to pay a visit to the Fisher Point Overlook on the way back.

This is Fisher Point.  Up high and to the left is the overlook. Walnut Canyon is ahead of us in this photo. There is a small cave at the base of the rock formation.

This is another somewhat deep and narrow cave that we encountered as we hiked up Walnut Canyon.

A more or less typical view of Walnut Canyon:

Marilyn, hiking in Walnut Canyon:

This was the most expansive view that I could find from Fisher Point Overlook. Marilyn is waiting for me under the tree just beyond where the trail forks to the left. I took the right fork to hike up to the overlook.

I was hoping to get a view up Walnut Canyon, but trees at the top blocked my view.  This was the best view that I could find…