Back in late November of 2012, Joe and I hiked the Goldfield Ovens Loop near Saguaro Lake.  The hike ended up being over eight miles long, most of which was through sand of one type or another.

A view of the Salt River near the beginning of the hike:

A saguaro with a lot of twisty arms:

A lichen-covered wall in the wash:

A view of the oven.  We were surprised to see a large oven in the wash a great distance from the water or anywhere else of interest.

A closer look at the front of the oven:

Looking down the chimney of the oven…

We saw saguaros, rocks, and other desert vegetation in the wash.

Saguaro Lake with Four Peaks in the distance:

The trail sees a lot of horse traffic and was very eroded in spots:

A view of Horse Thief Wash:


Another view from Horse Thief Wash as we’re getting closer to the road:

A close glimpse of the cliffs through dense vegetation:

We walked through this tunnel to continue our hike on the other side:


A view of the river with a better view of the tall cliffs:

The path wended its way through dense trees and other vegetation near the river:

It even ran along the road embankment.   We didn’t hear much traffic though because the road was far above us.

The path eventually climbed up to road level where we got some more distant views…